Last week’s SGA meeting got off to an unusual start as Vice President Jordan Reedy admitted lying to the senatorial board the week prior.
“I lied a little bit, you’re legislation’s really not due until next week,” Reedy said. “That way we wouldn’t have it all in one day. I know how college students are because I am the exact same way. Because if we have it all in one day we wouldn’t be able to get through it all because we have to end at 6 p.m.”
SGA meetings can only last one hour.
“Sorry I did that, I know it’s not ethical but it did work,” Reedy said.
Eight new pieces of legislation were introduced last week.
Before the new legislation, there was a voting period on Resolution No. 14, which was proposed by Sen. Duane Kessler. The resolution is to send a letter to the Office of Information Technology to request that a parking map be added to the APSU mobile application, Peay Mobile.
The resolution passed unanimously.
Sen. Katie Goosetree proposed Resolution No. 15, “to send a letter to the Physical Plant that they repaint the cross walk stretching across Jackson Ally by Henry Street.”
The crosswalk is between the Art and Design Building and Kimbrough.
Resolution No. 16 is a resolution by Senators Gabriel Spring and Jakob Bertoni “to send a letter of recommendation to the APSU Director of Library Services to install additional cameras in the library.”
Currently, there are cameras only at the entrance and exit of the library.
Resolution No. 17 also pertains to the library. Authored by Sen. Stephon Jenkins and sponsored by Sen. Dereka Jones, the resolution is to send a letter to the Felix J. Woodward Library to extend the time students can check out laptops from three to four hours.
Sen. Lane Manley wrote Resolution No. 18 to “put a crosswalk from Castle Heights to Robb Avenue, with a sidewalk leading to the townhouses.”
The sidewalk would lead to Greek Village.
Sen. Gabriel Spring sponsored and Executive Secretary Colin Crist wrote Act No. 6. The act seeks to amend Article II Section 1 of the SGA Bylaws. The SGA Vice President would appoint a senator as a liaison to the following student centers: the Adult, Nontraditional and Transfer Student Center, the Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center, the Military Student Center, the Hispanic Student Center and the Office of Disability Services.
Each liaison would be required to meet with his or her organization at least once a month.
Sen. Clare Grady wrote Act No. 7 to amend Article IV Section 3 of the SGA Electoral Act.
The act would prevent “passive campaigning” within 25 feet of a polling station. Passive campaigning includes posters, chalking and banners.
Sen. Jakob Bertoni proposed Act No. 8 to amend the SGA Bylaws to read “[Senators] Shall be responsible for drafting their own legislation and shall be responsible for writing at least one piece of legislation per semester of office.”
Sen. Dereka Jones proposed Act No. 9 to require SGA members to complete Green Zone and Safe Zone training.
Green Zone training focuses on military students and Safe Zone training focuses on students in the LGBTQ+ community.
Legislation was due on Tuesday, April 17 instead of April 10, as was previously reported.