The first order of business was to address the senators who have not yet submitted legislation this year.
They were asked to stand up and explain what they are currently working on or why they haven’t written any legislation yet.
Pieces of legislation mentioned include the idea to put bicycle pumps at every rack around campus.
There was also an idea for legislation that would change SGA meeting times for next semester.
The deadline for all new legislation to be submitted is Monday, April 21.
The next order of business was the announcement that APSU President Hall will be holding a farewell event Thursday, May 1 from 3:30-4 pm in Clement Auditorium.
SGA then discussed ideas for a farewell gift to be given to Hall at this event. Ideas ranged from pottery to a painting of Archwood, but nothing has been agreed upon yet.
The next order of business was the committee meetings. The committee met and learned the air conditioner on the first floor of the library is going to be replaced.
While this is occurring over the summer, a collection of various documents will be put into storage.
There were also ideas about making the library more faculty friendly so faculty will want to use the library as much as students.
Next came new business; first was Resolution No. 27, a piece of legislation that would send a recommendation letter to the Physical Plant asking them to redo the paint on Drane street that currently reads “Ahead hump speed,” and changing it to “speed hump ahead,” also changing the size of the text so that it is less distracting to drivers and pedestrians.
The next piece of legislation was Resolution No. 28, which would send a letter to the Physical Plant asking them to develop sheltered smoking areas on campus.
The argument was brought up that while APSU has designated smoking areas, most of them are in parking lots and do not shelter smokers from the elements, such as rain.
The last piece of legislation introduced resolution No. 29, whichwould send a letter of recommendation to the Physical Plant to install a spirit rock on campus.
This would allow for select groups to use it for campus purposes and also allow for more event advertisement. TAS
SGA proposes new sheltered smoking areas on campus
April 23, 2014
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