Last week the Morgan University Center Ballroom was transformed into a bowling alley, game room and a social center for students to unwind and have some fun.
Games of Twister, Monopoly and cards organically appeared and encircled the two back-lit bowling lanes, taking advantage of the music and vibes.
The event was planned and hosted by the Governors Programming Council (GPC), APSU ’s student-led organization charged with investing some of our student fees into monthly events on campus.
On Tuesday evening, Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. in the Clement auditorium, the GPC will host Acrobatix, a strength-performance duo reminiscent of Cirque du Soleil, who crack jokes while defying gravity.
The following week, Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 8 p.m., GPC is presenting “Out and Out,” a stand-up comedy show promising two surprise performers.
One of the “Big Three” Councils on campus, the GPC is in charge of school spirit and traditions, cinema and visiting performing arts, diversity and variety and special and social events.
These folks put the extra into extracurricular. Across the board, when asked why they were working on the Council, students said they wanted to get involved on campus, build friendships and strengthen their leadership skills.
Listen to our interview below with GPC President Alexis Wofford.
GPC President Alexis Wofford attended her first Council meeting as a sophomore at the urging of a friend. After working two events and happily attending a national conference on campus activities, Wofford said she “was hooked.”
Wofford agreed that involvement in GPC is definitely a great social opportunity, and she thinks it may be “the fact that we are so accepting” that explains why so many students attend their weekly council meetings and support the on-campus events.

“There is an application process, but it is not for us to turn you away,” Wofford explained. “It is a way to get to know more about students so we can give them more opportunities.”
Members of the Executive Council echoed Wofford’s sentiments. A newer member to leadership, LC Rogers explained that his rise to responsibility came about “because I just showed up to the events and did what I was needed to do.”
Brittany Gordon, Vice President of GPC, most recently served as the Chair of Peay Spirit and Tradition committee, stressed that showing up to the weekly Council Meeting is where students can make a real impact.
Listen to our interview below with GPC Vice President Brittany Gordon.
“A great reason to join GPC is so you can have an input. If you want to see certain things, come to the meetings and we’ll see if we can make it happen,” Gordon said.
Interested students can become general board members after attending two meetings and they will immediately be encouraged to join one of the committees that host a campus event once a month. Leadership seems to be shared with all who show up.
General Board meetings are open to all students. They are held in Claxton 103 every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. and run for about 30-45 minutes. President Wofford said, “It is like one big happy family.”