Since it’s April crunch right now as finals approach, I felt that this would be my last article for 2018-19 academic year since I have so much going on this month. Also, I am sure that a lot of you have so much happening this month, especially with the final exams coming up, and some of you may have papers to do.
I should return next year to cover some more interesting weather topics. I originally started off as forecast page for Clarksville, but it evolved into commentaries on weather-related topics, such as history, news and interesting stories. I have a few personal favorites, and one of them was listing most outrageous ways to start wildfires from my research.
Honestly, even though wildfires were devastating, some of questionable methods were bit absurd or shocking. In my opinion, I would pick satanic ritual or burning poop. Another of my favorite was American Meteorological Society Conference in Phoenix, AZ. Honestly, it was an incredible experience.
Looking back, my articles did not start out as great as I expected until later on as they improved. For the future, I hope to cover some more interesting topics from hurricanes to computer models. Other potential topics include most violent tornadoes, issues with weather journalism and effects of climate change on military itself.
Farewell, APSU graduating students. I wish to share a farewell for readers since I will be gone for summer, and I have a summer internship that I am looking forward to. When I return, I hope to write one based on experience in August. Have a good summer, including those who are going to take summer courses or internships.
I am a trained storm spotter and I spent years studying meteorology in my free times. Those blogs reflect my opinions on weather-related topics with some light humor and commentaries.