Students enjoy Painting and Mocktails at the Sip and Paint Event. ABIGAIL KRIEG | THE ALL STATE
Do you like painting with your peers while drinking hand-made mocktails? The Sip and Paint event, hosted by Austin Peay State University’s Student Life and Engagement Center, took place on Sept. 27 at 6 p.m.
Attendees were provided with a display of mocktails, charcuterie boards, canvases, paints and paintbrushes to show off their painting skills.
Students were able to come together to share their enjoyment for painting and fun beverages. “I liked the environment, how everyone came together to do this. Also the drinks were fantastic,” said Payton Mahoney, a student at APSU.
The event was well received by the students that attended. “I liked the food and coming here after a long day, and I liked the drinks,” said Radio Pryor, another student who attended the event.
Sip and Paint was hosted in the University Center Plaza. There was a conglomeration of chairs and tables for students to paint while they enjoy their mocktails.
The Student Life and Engagement Center put out an array of snacks for students to enjoy, ranging from charcuterie boards to fruits to cookies. Ash Cartmill, an APSU student, said they particularly liked the snacks and drinks.
These students enjoyed coming together with their community members, bonding over their shared enjoyment of art and mocktails.