During the fall semester at APSU Senator Brooklynn White of the SGA spearheaded an initiative to help students get involved with the political spectrum.
The “Govs Write Govs” campaign was designed for APSU students to be able to communicate with Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. This was intended for the students to create a dialogue with the state’s highest office to express their voices about certain concerns.
All students could participate in this program. They were able to retrieve an envelope from the Student Affairs Office, and then return their correspondence in that envelope to the same location if they wished.
“We had only about ten letters or so sent from the number of envelopes missing,” White said.
There were most likely a few factors that prevented more participation than originally anticipated.
“The pandemic made it a bit challenging, but I also think what feels like a new major event happening every week also made it challenging,” White said.
The fact that our presidential election was happening during this same time frame may have also distracted students from being involved in this event also.
“We chose to have the campaign after the election so that we weren’t distracting from the push for people to vote, but I think people were sort of burned out or had moved on by then,” White said.
There are probably students who would still like to communicate with Governor Lee, especially with the new president taking office this week. There is a chance that this initiative will happen again soon.
“We would like to try again this semester if possible,” White said.
Now that it is a new semester and a new year, there are opportunities to revitalize some previous initiatives and chances to begin new programs to benefit the student body.