Austin Peay State University President Michael Licari sent a campus-wide email assuring students and faculty that Austin Peay will uphold its commitment to maintaining an inclusive campus, despite new changes to Policy 6:001, eliminating all clarifications in their nondiscrimination statements except for cases regarding “sex.”
Page 18 of Policy 6:001 previously stated:
Austin Peay State University does not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student, or applicant for admission on the basis of:
- Age
- Color
- Creed
- Disability Status
- Ethnicity
- Gender Expression
- Gender Identity
- National Origin
- Pregnancy
- Race
- Religion
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
- Veteran Status
- Or any other protected category under applicable local,
state, or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any grievance process on campus, with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or other human rights agencies.
According to Licari’s email, sent out on Friday morning, March 14, the policy has been changed to eliminate almost all of these categories.
“Based upon guidance received from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and the Tennessee General Assembly, we are not allowed to explicitly list anything other than “sex” in our nondiscrimination statements,” said Licari.
The email clarifies that although Title IX does not explicitly mention discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender expression, harassment of any kind is prohibited and will be handled on a case-by-case basis, assuring that Austin Peay’s mission and values for an inclusive campus have not changed.
“I understand that this is a sensitive issue, and I appreciate the concerns raised by members of our community. Please know that APSU remains dedicated to ensuring a respectful and supportive environment for all. Our mission, vision, and values remain intact,” said Licari.