Every year this holiday rolls around and people give flowers and chocolates to their boyfriend/girlfriend or their spouse but is that really all there is to this holiday? Is it just for relationships?
It is a day about love, and that can include friendships, relationships and family. Valentine’s Day comes every year on Feb. 14 and is practiced everywhere. A couple of Austin Peay State University students were asked about the type of Valentine’s Day they were having this year and what is the importance of this holiday to them.
“My Valentine’s Day will be about a day of friendship kind of love. The importance of this holiday is to celebrate all the love in my life. It’s not all about chocolates and flowers,” said Sara Lusk, APSU senior and philosophy and classical major.
“I am celebrating love this Valentine’s Day. Even though I believe it is a marketing tactic to get more money. You should celebrate love every single day and not just one day a year,” said Kylie Biter, APSU sophomore and nursing major.
All the history of Valentine’s Day points to it being just for couples but as a couple of APSU students have pointed out— it isn’t all about romantic relationships, but also the love of family and friends. Today this holiday has evolved into something more. It is the celebration of all types of love, as Lusk has stated, and as Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Where there is love, there is life.”