Alysia Norales
The Austin Peay State University’s Choir, Choirs of Volunteer State Community College and Mt. Juliet High School with Conductor Korre Foster and piano accompanist Jan Corrothers.
It was an electrifying and unforgettable night for music lovers at Austin Peay State University’s Choir Fest. The APSU Choir, in company with the Choir Volunteer State Community College and Mt. Juliet High School Choir, made history with the world premiere of “My Lord, What a Morning,” a never-before-heard composition by Stacey Gibbs.
Korre Foster, a professor and conductor of last night’s performance, mentioned that Gibbs explicitly crafted this composition for the students participating in the APSU Choir Fest. He intended to avoid traditional compositions by incorporating the technique of polyphony, a decision that dazzled the audience and left them wanting more.
This was an innovative way to show the talent of the choirs and underline the boldness of creativity that Gibbs had in creating the work. APSU’s Choir Fest performers used this opportunity to display their fantastic talent, leaving the audience in awe.
Sadly, Choir Fest is an annual event, so if you missed it, you must wait until next year. However, the APSU Music Department has yearly musical performances and recitals. Visit their YouTube channel “@apsumusicdepartment” for live updates and missed performances.