Dannie Mickelson
Corporal Cox, Sergeant Silva. and Sergeant Ramsey taught the self-defense class at the Domestic Violence Awareness event in the Claxton Building on Oct. 10.
On Oct. 10 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc, the Gamma Nu Chapter, put together a self-defense class with Austin Peay State University. Sergeant Ramsey and Sergeant Silva showed everyone how to properly defend themselves in various types of situations.
When using self-defense, the best way for women to fight back is using their hips to put more force behind it. As they were demonstrating the different self-defense movements, Sergeant Ramsey kept repeating these words “A women’s voice is powerful” and let me be the first to report that it is correct a women’s voice is powerful and loud. Sergeant Ramey also talked mentioned the police station on campus is never closed, so if you ever need help, they are there and ready to assist with any emergency.
After the demonstration they talked about how to use the blue emergency boxes that are around campus. In any emergency, it will take them at least a minute to get to you. So, if you do activate one of the blue boxes and the person is still trying to attack you run around in a circle until help arrives.
Something else they mentioned was the app called The Guardian which keeps track of you, and if you don’t respond back to the app while using it then it will send out an alert of your last known location.
Sergeant Ramsey also stated, “Make sure you have the police station phone number saved into your phone.” This is incase you have an emergency you can automatically be able to call them. Their main goal is to keep our students safe and protected while they are at APSU. If you do not know the campus police phone number, it is (931) 221-7786.