Brooklyn Lisenby
The Govs Programming Council welcomed guest speaker Dr. Tracy A. Coffey, M.D., from Queen City Women's Health Clinic in Clarksville, to emphasize the importance of early breast cancer detection.
Austin Peay State University’s Govs Programming Council, a student organization, hosted the “Bras for a Cause” event at the Morgan University Center Plaza on Tuesday, Oct. 8. The event invited students, faculty and community members to showcase their creativity by decorating bras, while also raising awareness about breast cancer.
Dr. Tracy A. Coffey, M.D., a board-certified physician at Queen City Women’s Health Clinic, highlighted key topics at the event, including early detection, self-examinations, genetics and prevention. Dr. Coffey provides sexual and reproductive health education through community outreach.
The event also highlighted the impact of breast cancer not only on individuals but also on their family members and friends. Since breast cancer can affect both men and women, participants were encouraged to get regular breast exams and be mindful of any symptoms.