(Left to Right) SGA Vice President and President Elect Campbell Moore, Vice President Elect Logan Sykes, and Executive Secretary Elect Zee Schumacher pose after the SGA Ratification on April 10 in the Morgan university Center.
(Left to Right) SGA Vice President and President Elect Campbell Moore, Vice President Elect Logan Sykes, and Executive Secretary Elect Zee Schumacher pose after the SGA Ratification on April 10 in the Morgan university Center. Photo by Ricky Birchfield I The All State.
The Austin Peay Student Government Association held its ratification today at 4 p.m. in the Morgan University Center, and the results of the SGA’s spring 2023 elections were announced.
SGA Vice President Campbell Moore was announced as the elected president for the upcoming senate. After the election, Moore expressed her thanks to the student body, especially since she’d been new to the executive council before becoming vice president. “It was a very noble role I’ve never done before, so I’m very grateful that they trusted me enough to serve as vice president and now as president,” said Moore.
Moore’s platform included her ongoing work to get student IDs available on phones, ideally through Apple Wallet and Google Pay, within the next few years.
Logan Sykes was elected vice president by a 42% plurality with 282 votes, nine more votes than the runner up, Speaker Pro Tem Rylia Morris. Syke thanked the student body for their votes and said he looked forward to bringing his viewpoint to the EC, including an emphasis on building better connections between students, faculty, advisors and other campus organizations.
Zee Schumacher was elected executive secretary by a 75% majority over incumbent secretary Gracie Haynes. Schumacher said she plans to work on events for senators and make an impact on campus through community service.
Elected senators from the College of Arts and Letters were Peyton Loveall and Madison Mosley. Elected senators from the College of Behavioural and Health Sciences were Sabrina Reece and Jayden Yates. Elected senators from the College of Business were Juana Chavez Hernandez and Isaac Vega. The elected senator from the College of Education was Robert Meeks, with the second to be appointed. Elected senators from the College of STEM were Taylor Bevil and Kevin Tyler.
Elected Sophomore Senators were Maidson Mosley, Winter Parker, and Dallas Segle. Elected Junior Senators were Valiere Echevarria Mandez, Elijah Patrick, and Gracey Suggs. Elected Senior Senators were Adam Griffith, Jennifer Lindahl, and Chloe Murphy.
Interviews are set to begin soon for the upcoming senate’s chief justice. Senator-elects begin serving May 6, the day after APSU’s commencement.
The 2023 election marks a five-year high for participation with 832 votes cast, the most since 2018.