SGA’s weekly meeting discussed legislation for an on-campus LGBTQ cultural center, a day care for non-traditional families and more noticeable parking signs for students. At 5 p.m., Vice President Delane opened the floor up for business was a resolution to provide day care for non-traditional students to study.
Senator William Cody made a motion to table the non-traditional student topic until next week’s meetings citing a language change to improve the legislation of the bill.
Cody constructed a resolution to make a letter of recommendation has been sent up to the Vice President of Student Affairs for the creation of an LBGTQ cultural center. “Austin Peay is a well cultured and diverse campus as evident by the number of cultural centers on campus, but one key culture that is missing is an LBGTQ cultural center,” Cody said.
Cody feels that the center would do everything in their power to make LGBTQ students feel welcomed and supported.
“A center of this magnitude could lead to more students in choosing APSU as their school of choice and a cultural center could also provide vital support to students … [this could] propel APSU as a prominent leader and supporter of the LGBTQ community on throughout the state of Tennessee,” Cody said.
Upon approval by the Student Affairs, this legislation will be going into effect immediately.
The last action of business that was discussed at the SGA meeting was a letter of recommendation that will be sent to Campus Police to mark parking lots with more noticeable signs or indicators.
Senator Jonathan Jeanis discussed how students struggle to find lot numbers.
“Students should focus more on driving and their surrounding rather while driving rather than looking for parking maps on their phones or paper maps,” Jeanis said.
This legislation for noticeable parking signs was introduced on Oct. 24 and will help APSU’s new incoming freshmen and off-campus commuters.
The meeting stressed that the signs are vital for students, so they are aware of where they are permitted to park so they can avoid unwarranted parking tickets that can become quite costly over the course of a semester.
All of the topics discussed during the meeting are still in deliberation and planning phases. More updates to come as this story develops.