On Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and the Student Goverment Council put on a voter registration drive to promote students to vote in the upcoming election.
Just under two months from now, the nation will vote to see which direction it will go for the next four years. That is why many organizations have made it a priority to educate students on the voting process.
On Thursday, Sept. 15, SGA and the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity set up booths in the University Center kiosk area, though SGA had to move their booth outside the library due to a scheduling conflict.
“Many students would like to vote but they don’t know how, so that is why we are out here, so we can show students that they can get involved,” Dominic Critchlow, a senior physics major and SGA Senator who was helping run the SGA booth, said.
Both tables ran from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Alpha Phi Alpha’s booth had about 50 students register to vote, and SGA’s booth had about 30 registrations.
“Voter drives on campus are important because it shows the student population that they can in fact get registered and greatly effect the general election,” Critchlow said.
Politics can be a hot button issue for a number of different people, so it is no secret that a registration drive will bring students together with varied opinions.
“When I was younger, I was taught that if you don’t vote, you should not complain about the system,” sophomore biology pre-med major and Alpha Phi Alpha member Arthur Williams said. “The only way we can change the system is by voting and changing the government for the better.”
In contrast, junior math major Tamera Niccum said he was avoiding the election due to a lack of information.
“I feel I don’t have enough time to research all of the candidates at the local or the federal level and that is why I do not want to get involved with this election,” Niccum said. “Voters should be fully educated on the issues and the candidates so they can make an informed decision when voting. Under-educated voters can actually do more harm than good sometimes.”
While some had a similar theory to Niccum, it is very clear that the heated campaign has changed some minds this year.
“Even though I had the opportunity to vote before, I never had because I never felt informed enough to vote,” junior math and applied physics major Jonathan Tully said. “However, I decided to register today because I feel this election is a critical one so I wanted to voice my opinion so I can feel represented.”
Williams had some more information for first-time voters in the general election.
“If it is a students first time voting they will need to go their hometown to vote,” Williams said. “If they have voted before, they can vote early at a voting center as an absentee.”