For the second year in a row, APSU’s Zeta Tau chapter of Kappa Alpha Order (KA) received the George C. Marshall Award for Chapter Excellence.
On Feb. 13, Zeta Tau traveled to the University of Memphis for their annual Chiles, Forrester & Irwin Province Council to accept this honor.
Zeta Tau President Lane Parmely said he could not be more proud of his organization.
“I am desensitized to the caliber of gentlemen I have the pleasure of calling my KA brothers, but there are moments like this when I get to step back and realize how amazing these guys are,” Parmely said.
Having only five years as an organization under their belts, Zeta Tau has received seven major awards, nationally and locally.
The George C. Marshall award is offered nationwide and is annually given to one to three chapters in KA to recognize their performance and operations.
The National Administrative Office facilitates the event, and the Knight Commander of KA attends and decides which chapter will receive a Marshall.
KA National Office judged the applications. The award is given based on extraordinary chapter operations, such as philanthropy dollars raised, community service hours, academics and campus involvement and leadership.
This award highlights the young men living up to the KA principles which, according to kappaalphaorder.org are, “Reverence, Gentility, Service, Leadership, Knowledge, Perseverance and Excellence.”
Parmely said he is extremely proud of his organization.
“They pursue excellence in everything they do, and their commitment to gentility fills me with pride,” Parmely said.
To learn more about APSU’s Zeta Tau chapter of Kappa Alpha Order visit websites.omegafi.com/omegaws/kappaalphaorderaustinpeay/.