It is finally December 1st, that time that we have all been waiting for. We made it past Halloween and we even got through those awkward conversations with family members at our Thanksgiving dinners. While finals may be coming up and students all around are panicking, they know in the back of their minds that Christmas break is near and soon they will be free from the chains they call schoolwork. Although Christmas is not yet here and it may seem like those pesky finals are getting in your way of the Christmas spirit, there are some things you can do to still ace those finals and get in the holiday spirit.
First, turn on a Christmas movie. If you don’t have Christmas movies, turn the television channel onto Hallmark of Lifetime, because they will almost definitely have a Christmas movie going on. If you wait until about five in the afternoon, you can even catch ABC Family’s Christmas movie that day. Even if you are that person that cannot concentrate on homework while noise is going on in the background, put the TV on silent and make a study guide that will guarantee you an A for the class.
Okay, so movies may not be your thing, but how could you not love Christmas music? Yes, I admit that Christmas music is annoying before December, but once this month hits, I am blasting it everywhere. Go to Spotify and find Michael Buble’s Christmas album. It is hands down my favorite and while it has music that I can really get in to, it also is one of those albums that I can turn down real low and my concentration will not shake. It is just a soothing sound and really calms the mind even when stressing about finals.
Something else you can do is buy a small tree to put in your dorm, and decorate it. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is decorating the tree with my family on Black Friday, but because I work, I don’t get to go home. However, that does not stop me from decorating my tree with lights and ornaments and sticking my family’s presents under the tree. If you are that person that really wants a tree but doesn’t want to decorate, you can always go buy a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree – just google it. It is hands down the easiest tree anyone could ever have. I have one and I love it.
My last idea for you would be to drive around and look at Christmas lights. If you drive down into neighborhoods, you are bound to find some houses that are decked out in lights and decorations already. Yes, I know that it may take some time out of your day, but everyone needs a study break. Take one hour off from your 14 hour study day and drive around to look at lights and decorations. This will definitely soothe the mind and body.
I hope you all ace your exams and if you are stressing, don’t. You will pass these exams. Just remember that you’re allowed to enjoy the holidays too.
Happy Holidays everyone!