APSU students were given a chance to show their artistic side at a free event held in the UC building Thursday, Feb. 21. Fifty students were present for the event, painting personalized wooden signs during the GPC sponsored Painting and Punch.
The students enjoyed the promised punch as well as snacking on cheesecake bites when not painting, or at least between brush strokes. Supervising the event were members of the local craft shop, Horsefeathers, which is located on Franklin Street in Mildred & Marbles.

This student-only event is one of many extracurricular activities set up by the student organization Govs Programming Council. GPC president Carla Mesarina said the event was a success and believes the students involved were very enthusiastic due to how quickly they signed up for the event.
Mesarina gives credit for the event to GPC special events coordinator Katelyn Hamaker. Hamaker came up with the event and got Horsefeathers involved through the photo sharing website Pinterest.com.
Mesarina said there was no deeper meaning to Painting and Punch other than allowing students to have a good time doing something interesting. The event had enough steam behind it that another one will be held in a few months. Mesarina said it will take place in Emerald Hills and is intended for nontraditional students that live there with their families.
A specific date has yet to be named and this time there will be only 25 openings, so those that are interested should watch for a date and sign up quickly.