» By Tiffany Comer

APSU’s “Family Weekend” is an event many students and their families look forward to every year.
The three-day event is about getting parents of APSU students involved with their children’s university and getting the children of APSU student’s and faculty involved with the place where their parents spend a great deal of their time.
A staple during the weekend is the family carnival hosted by the Govs’ Programming Council. Many APSU students have children, and this event can save money on babysitting and offer a good opportunity for families to participate in various activities.
“I look forward to the carnival every year. Many students with children are left out of events, but this event involves my kids and I love the family friendly atmosphere,” said Jill Johnson, APSU student.
The carnival offered numerous activities catering to family members of all ages, including a stuffed animal booth with teddy bear-sized APSU shirts, personalized megaphone and flag decorating, photo shoots with the “Governor” mascot, food, bouncy houses, balloon animals, character drawings and face painting.
“I really like how the university involves the parents so we can see the kind of atmosphere our children are living in. I like what I have seen,” said Missy Daniels, mother of an APSU freshman.
“This is my first year with GPC, but I have loved watching how much fun the families are having here at the carnival and enjoy seeing them bond,” said GPC member Aziza Mbuyamba.
Following the carnival were the festivities behind the Foy Center on “Tailgate Alley.” Peay pride was seen everywhere in the form of banners, signs, huge bowties in APSU colors and Friday Football Frenzy T-shirts.
There was food in every direction, a jazz band getting everyone in the mood for game time, free cowbells to help bring on school spirit and bean bag tosses decorated in APSU style.
The tailgating included many students, several organizations from campus, APSU alumni and long time football fans.
Many attendees said they have been coming to the tailgates for longer than they can remember.