Daysia Ash and Antonio Maldonado are seen wearing a mask on the first day of classes last spring. | THE ALL STATE ARCHIVES
Daysia Ash and Antonio Maldonado are seen wearing a mask on the first day of classes last spring. | THE ALL STATE ARCHIVES
In an email sent Tuesday afternoon, Austin Peay President Michael Licari announced the reinstatement of a mask requirement for indoor facilities on campus.
According to the email, masks will not be enforced in private offices, residence halls or individual study/practice rooms.
“We made this decision after consulting with current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for higher institutions and after discussions with members of the APSU community,” the email said.
The university sent a message to students Saturday saying that “with a few exceptions, masks are not required on campus.”
At the time, those who were not vaccinated were encouraged to continue wearing a mask to protect themselves and others.
“We encourage everyone to get vaccinated,” Bill Persinger, executive director of media relations, told The All State last week. “Vaccinations are the best defense we have to reduce the impact of COVID-19 and its variants on our community.”
Students, faculty and staff can schedule appointments to be tested or vaccinated through Boyd Health Services.