With all candidates running unopposed, the spring 2021 Student Government Association (SGA) election had a record low voter participation with only 183 votes cast.
From a historic perspective, the highest number of votes
cast was 1726 in Spring 2012. The previous lowest voter participation was last
year Spring 2021 with 384 votes.
Executive Board
Kito Aruh was re-elected SGA president with 160 votes.
Kierstan Roop was elected vice president with 156 votes. Ana Pla Rosario was
elected executive secretary with 156 votes. All candidates ran unopposed.
For the College of Arts and Letters, Gracie Haynes was elected
senator with 104 votes. There will be one additional senator for the College of
Arts and Letters that will be appointed.
For the College of Behavioral Health and Sciences, Hayley McAlister senator
was elected with 108 votes. Alexandra Wyatt was also elected with 86 votes.
For the College of Business, Emma Burns was elected senator with 110
votes and Alessa Tomboc was also elected with 99 votes.
For the College of Education, Brooklynn White was elected senator with
97 votes. With 1 write-in vote Spencer Harp was also elected senator.
For the College of
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Michelle Park was elected
senator with 108 votes and Demetrius Hobbs was also elected senator with 90
The elected sophomore senators are Zaid Malik with 100
votes, Stewart Black with 98 votes and Garret Rye with 69 votes.
The elected junior senators are Zavier Vincent with 104
votes, Marissa Lott with 94 votes and Iva Rubio with 3 write in votes.
The elected senior senators are Adam Law with 94 votes, Kara
Short with 93 votes and Marilyn Zamora with 90 votes.
Only eligible
write-in candidates who are enrolled in a specific college or meet a specific
classification and are academically eligible were counted. Votes cast for
write-in candidates that did not meet eligibility were discarded.