President Alisa White and representatives of The All State attended the Tennessee Press Association Winter Convention where Governor Bill Lee was the keynote speaker.
The Board of Trustees discussed the proposed Doctor of Psychology degree as well as the proposed naming of several athletic facilities.
The meetings occurred September 19-20.
The Board’s Academic Policies and Programs/Student Life Committee met at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, with the Business and Finance Committee, Executive Committee and Audit Committee meeting consecutively thereafter.
At the end of the Audit Committee meeting, the committee went into executive session to discuss audit investigations.
The full Board met at 9 a.m. on Friday, September 20.
Other topics discussed included consideration of the revised presidential base compensation, naming requests for Coach George Fisher Conference Room, Lisa Dahin Ross Classroom and Downey Baseball Operations Center and Clubhouse & Downey-Moore Creative Department Suite.
The board also discussed the elevation of the Broadcast Media Concentration to Stand-alone Major of BA/BS Communication Media.
The Audit Committee discussed internal audit reports released between May 11, 2019 and August 26, 2019, with their list of outstanding recommendations.
The Audit Committee also discussed external audit reports released between May 11, 2019 and August 26, 2019
President Alisa White also took some time to highlight APSU’s unique student body.
“Our students are strong,” White said. “They leave here ready for graduate school. They leave here ready to lead.”
All meetings will take place at 317 College Street and, with the exception of an executive session, are open to the public.
The winter meeting is November 21-22.