from Facebook page: https://facebook.com/apsucwc/
One club on APSU’s campus that many may not know about is The Creative Writing Club. It was revitalized in 2011, but may have existed before then.
Since the summer of 2016, Arizona Hurn has been the club’s president. There are just over ten members currently in the club.
The club centers heavily around debate and critique. Hurn describes the club members as talkative and funny.
Hurn said, “[During meetings] We like to share stories about our week or start light-hearted debates.
For workshops, members bring in a poem, story or sketch that they have been working on, read it aloud and we make written comments and then talk about it as a group.”
This semester, the CWC plans to hold a student lead reading on campus or at Humble Universe Disturbers Used Books and More on Franklin Street. They will be participating in G.H.O.S.T. on Oct. 28 from 7 – 8 p.m.
The CWC also aims to host writers and spoken word poets from outside of APSU to hold talks or readings.
“There is a phrase I learned in one of my creative writing classes called ‘literary citizenship,’ the idea that in order to be a part of the writing community, you have to do more than write,” Hurn said.
“If you want to be published in a journal, you have to read that journal so you know if your work fits them,” Hurn said.
In part, this idea exists because if we as artists do not support other artists, the economy comes close to collapse.”
“Not everyone who steps foot in our meetings is there to be published or run a literary magazine, but I want the club to be able to cultivate their needs as well,” Hurn said.
“It is hard to balance the social with the professional, but the goal is to have an environment that gives people a place to relax while still developing skills that some of us have learned in creative writing courses, and teaching people about that literary citizenship.” Hurn said.
Hurn is willing to offer feedback on creative writing pieces, and with reading material or prompts.
You can still appreciate some of the perks of the club itself without attending meetings if it conflicts with your time.
Students, faculty/staff members or alumni can join the Creative Writing Club.
If you are interested in joining, email Arizona Hurn (ahurn1@my.apsu.edu), request membership through PeayLink or through the club’s Facebook page (https://facebook.com/apsucwc).
Alternatively, you can simply show up to a meeting. Be prepared to provide constructive criticism. The club meets on Fridays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Harned Hall, room 307.